About me

My name is Mathilde Szurek and I am an INDUSTRIAL DESIGNER, specialized in product design, from France.

This is my online portfolio. Here you can discover a selection of my works in product design, space design and graphics and some information about me.

My design philosophy : Design is not only a creative discipline to improve the environment. It is also a way to help somebody, to react to something, to express myself. It is not only an aesthetic work. There are a lot of different parameters to mix to make a good design, a design for all : ecology, ergonomics, use…

I am particulary intersted in Ergonomics and new materials. You could find on my website a category named DESIGN WATCH with some publications about Design with a big D ! For example, please discover my study on the place of design in small businesses !

To learn more about my professional experience you can download my CV !

Pour découvrir mon parcours professionnel, vous pouvez télécharger mon CV !

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